Thursday, 19 December 2019

Movie Suggestion

Hello Everyone ,

Today, I suggest a movie which is Forrest Gump. The actors at the movie has really clear accent. With its classic structure, Forrest Gump is one of the legendary films that will take your English one click forward with its simple and understandable accent, non-boring content and fluidity.
Foreign movies will help you improve your vocabulary and improve your pronunciation, helping you to speak English fluently and more easily. You can also become familiar with both daily vocabulary usage and terms while watching different types of movies. Moreover, you can do all this at any time and in the comfort of your home.

Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Baby Shark Dance | Sing and Dance!

Hello Future Teachers,

Here is Baby Shark song. By the help of this song, children can easily learn Family Members:)

I will give you a really beneficial advice. Everybody knows that many teachers are using music to teach foreing language. It is an amazing memorization tool. It gives kids an intuitive sense of grammar. Rhyme and syntax feature strongly in song lyrics, and by listening to music in a foreign language, kids can get a feel for how these grammatical elements work in the language that they’re studying. It’s great for vocabulary building. Music can not only introduce kids to everyday vocabulary, but also to new words that they might not otherwise encounter in daily life particularly as it relates to life in other countries. Music connects kids to the cultures that speak their target language. Because language learning is about people , it is essential that kids are exposed to the cultures that speak their target languag and music is one of the most natural ways to provide that exposure!


Hello Future Teachers and Teachers,
I share really beneficial application which is Vocaroo. Vocaroo is an online tool that allows users to record, send, and download voice messages.

I use this application to  sing a song to my students. If you do not find any suitable music for your students, you can easily record your voice and sing a song for your students. I also prepare a fill-in-the-blanks exercise according to song. This is the example for you...

If you're ________
and you _______ it
_______ your _______

If you're ________
and you _______ it
_______ your _______

If you're _________
and you ________it
then your ______ will
surely _______ it

If you're ________
and you _______ it
_______ your _______

If you're ________
and you _______ it
_______ your _______

If you're ________
and you _______ it
_______ your _______

If you're _________
and you ________it
then your ______ will
surely _______ it

If you're ________
and you _______ it
_______ your _______

You can click on my record and answer the fill-in-the-blanks song:))

Thursday, 12 December 2019

Enjoyable Game Kahoot

Hello Future Teachers and Teachers,

In my opinion, Kahoot is a beneficial application for all students. It is also practical and free to use. When I prepare questions for my students, I really enjoy it because it is really easy to use. Also, there are several advantages of Kahoot for children. For example, students like to take the exam with their names. In addition to this, the questions have to be answered at the teacher’s set times, which adds to the excitement. When the students see that he or she has given the correct answer, their happiness and sense of competition increases the interest of the student. I love this application and I will always use this application for my students.

This my Kahoot game, please click on it and aswer it:)


Hello Everyone,

Here is my worldcloud sample. 

Word clouds (also known as text clouds or tag clouds) work in a simple way: the more a specific word appears in a source of textual data , the bigger and bolder it appears in the word cloud.

Everybody loves a visual. Especially when, as an audience member, you have contributed to the creation of  art. It’s fun for audience members to review the main screen, searching for the words they submitted, and looking at how it fits in the entire visualisation. It provides a good sense of elation. 

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Click other links to access other types of applications like WordCloud:)

Friday, 6 December 2019

Planet Crossword Puzzle

Hello Young Learners and Teachers, 


Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
1   2               
4       5           

In the previous post , I mention the Hot Potatoes application. Here is  example exercise by using Hot Potatoes.

It is really beneficial application  to prepare game for  students. If you want to use this application , please look at my puzzle.

Hot Potatoes Application

Hello Future Teachers and Teachers:)

The Hot Potatoes suite includes six applications, enabling you to create interactive multiple-choice, short-answer, jumbled-sentence, crossword, matching/ordering and gap-fill exercises for the World Wide Web. Hot Potatoes is freeware, and you may use it for any purpose or project you like.

I really enjoy when I prepare this quiz by using Hot Patatoes.
If you want to create a exercises , you can try it.

If you like it, download it. Here is the link, click on it.

Movie Suggestion

Hello Everyone , Today, I suggest a movie which is Forrest Gump. The actors at the movie has really clear accent. With its classic stru...